General Color: Tricolor (Tan/Brown & Black & White)
Current Age: 4 Years (best estimate)
Microchipped: Yes
Obedience Training Needed: Has Basic Training
Exercise Needs: Moderate
Reaction to New People: Friendly
This is Raya a 3 month old puppy who is looking for a teacher in life. Since she is brand new to the world, they need to be taught the ways of the world. Housebreaking, obedience, manners and how to be an upstanding pet-citizen are all lessons she will need to be taught. At 3 months old, this little madam is only hold their bladders for 3 hours at any time of day (fun fact: for every month they are old they can hold it for that many hours!). Keep that coffee brewing and become great friends with your neighbors in hopes they can let your puppy out during the day. Because she is a puppy and we don’t really know who the parents were, we have really no idea how big (he/she) will actually get. Best advice we can give: Better to assume Great Dane and get Chihuahua than assume Chihuahua and get Great Dane. If you are looking to be a mentor to a 4-legged friend, please use this link and apply: If you are interested, please fill out the Interest Form linked, please fill out the Interest Form application link here The adoption fee covers vaccinations, Rabies, spay/neuter, and microchip. Amazing Strays Rescue Team W: E: Facebook
More about Raya Litter - Raya
Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Requires a yard, Likes to play with toys, Playful, Affectionate
Other Pictures of Raya Litter - Raya (click to see larger version):