Amazing Strays Rescue
PO Box 151648
San Diego, CA 92115
Cats: 5   |  Dogs: 44

  Search Successes
  1. All dogs are from Mexico, and we may not know that much background information. Our fosters give us the most information about them, but they are kept there for a short amount of time. 

  2. If you’re interested in a dog, please submit an application from the link below. Make sure to include as much information as possible because that is our screening tool to evaluate if this is the best home for this pup.

  3. We get a lot of applications for some dogs - especially puppies -  so please give us time to work our way through the applications. 

  4. You may not be contacted for the exact dog you submitted an application, but we want to help you meet your best match! 

  5. We aren't set up to adopt dogs outside of San Diego county in case something happens. We will make exceptions for our adult dogs, but we will absolutely not adopt puppies outside of the county. 

  6. Here is a link to the Adoption Application - which can also be found under the heading FORMS/APPS on the left of this page.

  7. This is the link to the Application/forms/form?formid=5860