First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Cell Phone*
How did you hear/find out about ASR? Please list any referrals (friends/family etc).*
Which Dog are you interested in? Choose an animal: Axel Benji Blonde Catalina Chopper Coconut Comet Cupid Finnigan Gnocchi Honey Hope Lilly Lola Lucky Lucy Lucy Maggie Grace Maisie Maxxie Maya Meeko Milo Montana Morelia Mushu Ollie Paddington Padme Petunia Phoebe Pickles Pilot Princess Ricky Riley Rocco Sam Sandy Sweet Pea Taki Teddy Thumper Tinker Tirena Vaca Waldo Whiskey Zeus
If you are interested in more than one dog, please write out the names of the others (only one adoption application on file is needed).
What characteristics are most important in the dog you adopt?
What size dog are you interested in adopting?
What energy level is best for your home ?
What age of pup are you looking for?
Why do you want this pet?
Do you rent or own?*
If you rent, do you have landlord approval for a dog?
Please provide your landlord's contact information.
What is your occupation and work hours?
Who else lives in the home? Include name(s), age(s), relationship(s) and occupation(s).
If children are in the home, please provide name(s) and age(s).
Are you or a member of your household active duty military?
If someone is active duty military, how long have they been at the present duty station? When is the next PCS?
Does everyone in the home know and agree about adopting a dog?* Choose one: Yes No
Does anyone in the home have allergies to dogs ?
Who will be the primary caregiver for the dog ?*
Please describe your household activity level.
What daily activity and/or exercise will you give the dog and how much time?*
Is your yard completely fenced ?
Do you agree to film and submit a short video to our adoptions team for a home check? If your application is selected to continue in the adoption process, a volunteer will provide you with further details.
Have you had a dog as a pet within the past 10 years ?
What pets have you had in the last 10 years? Please provide name(s), breed(s) and where they are now.
Do you currently have a(any) dog(s) in the household ?
If you have other dog(s), list name, age, breed type (use N/A if none)*
Are your current dog(s) spayed or neutered (fixed) ?
What other pets are in your home (cat, rabbit, bird) ?*
Do you have a regular veterinarian?
What is the name and contact number of your veterinarian?
Have you had to rehome, give away or surrender a pet in the past?*
If you answered yes to the above question, please explain the circumstances that lead to this decision. If you answered no, please write N/A.
Where will the dog be kept during the day?*
Where will the dog be kept during the night?*
How many hours a day will this dog spend alone each day (include commute time)?*
How long do you feel a dog should be given for an adjustment period?*
How and why would you discipline your pets ?
Newly adopted pups are dogs that were likely homeless strays, and we usually dont know their backgrounds. Adopting a pup means there will be a period of time, where there is a transition as the dog gets used to the new home and routines, and to get comfortable and to learn about your home. How much time are you willing to allow for the new pup to adjust to your home ?*
Are you willing to work with your new dog and a trainer on any issues this dog may have ?
What circumstances would cause you to give up this pet ?
(Answer only for puppies and under 1 year of age) How long have you been considering adding a puppy to your home ?
Do you agree to contact ASR and return this dog if you can no longer keep this dog?
Is there any additional information you would like us to know when reviewing your adoption application?
By filling out this form, I understand this is an application and Amazing Strays Rescue has the sole discretion, with or without cause, to accept or decline this application. All information I have provided in this application is true and correct.*
Any dog in my care will reside in my home as a pet. I will provide them with quality dog food, plenty of fresh water, indoor shelter, affection, and annual physical examination and vaccinations under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian.*
Enter Your Full Name Here to Sign this Application*
For verification purposes, please provide the date of birth of the person completing this form.*